Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Web Cam

For Christmas (I think) we got our family's web-cams so that we could stay in touch over the 1,000 miles. We'll now that we are here we've finally tried to use them. I'm so frustrated with my computer - it's so slow and we haven't been able to "chat" with the web cams - however, last night Grant got to experience it for the first time. He made the video above for Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. Again, still trying to figure it out so sound is not good turn volume all the way up and you can kind of hear him.

(don't know why but the video is about 5 times as fast as it should be - so sound and picture do not match....i hate this web cam thing!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully some one with web cam knowledge will give us some pointers. This will be fun!!