Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This post will have a couple of references to previous posts - so if you're new to reading this sorry - but i don't think you'll be that lost!

So, like my very first post i mentioned I wasn't for sure how i felt about armadillos - i now know how i feel about Armadillo' that one has made a home in our front landscaping! I don't like them!!! No, i don't have pictures of the armadillo, but below you can see the mess he makes...and how big he feels he needs to have his house - look at that HOLE!!

So on to referncing another post - remember now, I'm the farm kid willing to touch animals while Jon won't even hold a that you remember that...guess how Jon feel's we're going to get rid of our new neighbor....ever hear of "water in the hole"...i know where that comes from. (Our yard guy stopped by today and mentioned this wonderful sight. i asked if he thought the armadillo was in there since they are night animals...he thought so) Jon stuck the water hose in the hole and let'er go. Jon believes he has just killed the Armadillo by drowning him....I believe the Armadillo will re-surface in another part of our yard as he will probably have dug another way out. I'm ready to call Tripple A trappers!
If I could get my web-cam to work I might use it during the night to see what happens, but since it still won't work - we'll just look for evidence in the morning.
Subject of this post - be continued about rats and gecko's! I'm sure you're just dying for this one!

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